Últimos Vídeos

Jimmy Webb Hits The Road

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/05/jimmy-webb-hits-road.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0m3MOibdswendofvid[starttext]prAna ambassador Jimmy Webb packs up his Colorado apartment to embark on a multi - continent climbing extravaganza.
Before going abroad, he sends a handful of mega classic, tough guy problems on native soil.

Locations: Bishop, CA / Hueco Tanks, TX
Featuring: Spectre V13 / Neon Desert V14 / Diabolique V13
Learn more about Jimmy at http://www.prana.com/life/ambassadors
Video Production by BearcamMedia.com


II TrangoWorld Trébol Trail 2014 :Vídeo oficial

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/05/ii-trangoworld-trebol-trail-2014-video.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PksXEuiUnSMendofvid[starttext]Vídeo de la segunda edición de la carrera por montaña TRANGOWORLD TRÉBOL TRAIL 2014 celebrada en Becerril de la Sierra (Madrid) el 11 Mayo 2014 y producido por RECmountain

WEB CARRERA: www.treboltrail.es

Jakob Schubert in Hyaena 8b+

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/05/jakob-schubert-in-hyaena-8b.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-C_wcoqsRQendofvid [starttext]In einem groß angelegten Projekt lässt die Bergsportfirma Mammut aus der Schweiz ihre Athleten einige der großen Routen-Klassiker nachklettern. In der ersten Folge klettert Jakob Schubert Hyaena 8b+ in Finale Ligure ...

First 21km of the Zegama SkyRace

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/05/httpswww_22.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58JXa6FG9aAendofvid [starttext] Take the time to watch the first 21km of the Zegama SkyRace with Cameron Clayton (USA), Thorbjorn Ludvingsen (Norway) and Landie Greyling (South Africa), you will know a bit more about this course!

First Ascent of The Penrose Step V14 • Carlo Traversi

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/first-ascent-of-penrose-step-v14-carlo.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=035PC4WXADQendofvid

[starttext] In the fall of 2013, Five Ten Elite Athlete Carlo Traversi traveled to Leavenworth, Washington to attempt the longstanding "ladder project". Just minutes from the main road, this impeccable shield of rock had resisted attempts for nearly a decade. After 4 days of work, Carlo made the First Ascent of the line calling it "The Penrose Step" and giving it the grade of V14, making it the hardest boulder problem in the state of Washington.[endtext]

Spring 2014 Composite

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/spring-2014-composite.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mRuvhW_xBwendofvid

[starttext] Escalada en Hielo presentada por Arcterix[endtext]

The North Face: Alex Honnold - El Sendero Luminoso

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-north-face-alex-honnold-el-sendero.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phl82D57P58endofvid

[starttext] Alex Honnold y su especial predilección por el solo integral. Hablamos el pasado enero sobre esta actividad: la escalada en solo integral de Sendero Luminoso en la zona mexicana de Potrero Chico, 500 metros de escalada sostenida en el rango del 5.12 (desde 7a+), con dificultades de hasta 7c.

On January 15, 2014, Alex Honnold free-soloed El Sendero Luminoso (The Shining Path) in El Portrero Chico, Mexico in a little over 3 hours. The climb rises 2,500 feet to the summit of El Toro. It could be the most difficult rope-less climb in history.

Matthew Morgan
"Sun Through The Clouds"

Philip Sheppard

The big orange 8a! (Pete Robins)

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-big-orange-8a-pete-robins.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuh9D0BtE4cendofvid

[starttext]Video de Simon Panton realizando "The big orange" 8a. Escalada Climbing
Pete Robins making the first ascent of The Big Orange 8a!

Escalar debajo de la lluvia con Tilak

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/escalar-debajo-de-la-lluvia-con-tilak.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHrKVE2yTVIendofvid

[starttext]Una breve presentación y opiniones modelo más alto de Tilak: chaquetas Tilak Evolution RPS. Modelo actual 2013/2014 está hecho de tres capas de Gore-Tex Pro y está, por supuesto, diseñado para las aplicaciones más exigentes en condiciones extremas. 

Descripción Las chaquetas Tilak Evolution RPS:

Consejos Los titanes del trail-running by Powerade

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/consejos-los-titanes-del-trail-running.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_X2AcY1o3sendofvid

[starttext]¿Quieres sentir la experiencia de correr por la montaña? No te pierdas este vídeo con los mejores consejos y sensaciones para que empieces a disfrutarlo.

Los hermanos Pou en La Tarragó (8b+/240m)

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/los-hermanos-pou-en-la-tarrago-8b240m.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY2V7VnFopcendofvid

See more amazing climbs at http://redbull.com/adventure
The Pou brothers take on the first free ascent of La Tarragó (8b+/240m) on Montserrat, Spain. On a cold November day last year, Spanish climbers and mountaineers Eneko and Iker Pou added a new chapter to the history of climbing. The beautiful, otherworldly towers of Montserrat, Spain saw the first free ascent of the six-pitch route, La Tarragó.

Nacho Sánchez. Cucumber (FA), La Collada.

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/nacho-sanchez-cucumber-fa-la-collada.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2NHAEF2yfYendofvid

Nacho Sánchez. Cucumber (FA). La Collada, Quirós (Asturias).

Mike Doyle - Athlete Spotlight "Necessary Diligence"

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/mike-doyle-athlete-spotlight-necessary.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEZdiHcq9YYendofvid


KindKid productions brings you an inside look on the redpointing process as told through the words of La Sportiva Athlete Mike Doyle as he tries to finish Necessary Evil (5.14c) in the Virgin River Gorge.

Champany-en-Vanoise ICWC, Jan Straka semifinals

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/02/champany-en-vanoise-icwc-jan-straka.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUlshcPsS5sendofvid


Los ochomiles de Carlos Soria: K-2 (2004)

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/01/los-ochomiles-de-carlos-soria-k-2-2004.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZFLqxIQdTgendofvid

En 2004, Carlos Soria alcanzó la cumbre del K-2, la segunda montaña más alta de la tierra sólo por detrás del Everest, con 65 años. Era el quinto ochomil de su carrera como alpinista. 


Breaking a Climbing Record: The Nose, Part 1

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/01/breaking-climbing-record-nose-part-1.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJL1o1B0o08endofvid


El wideboy, Tom Randall y Pete Whittaker, son dos británicos con una torcedura compartida para la escalada en la grieta y aventuras descabelladas. Su campaña de dos año de la tortura y la autoformación masoquista lleva a cabo en un pequeño sótano Sheffield ha consiguieron ellos sube para arriba muchas de las rutas más difíciles TRAD en todo el mundo, incluido el mundo del más duro fuera de la anchura:. Siglo Crack, 5.14b , en este episodio wideboy asumir uno de los uno de los retos de escalada clásica en el Reino Unido, el Staffordshire Nose Speed ​​Record.También conocido como el "Brown y Whillans Challenge 'después de que los hombres que establecieron las subidas pertinentes, se tarda 31 rutas diferentes a los escaladores en tres riscos separados en el Distrito de los Picos. La mayoría de ellos requieren algún tipo de interferencia mano desesperada y / o pérdida de la piel, y si los chicos quieren que conste, que tienen que subir cada línea en menos de 8 horas y 41 minutos. Pero no sería un británico registro sin niebla, llovizna, solos verde y culminante desagrado general. Mira el wideboy conseguir abajo y sucio en el transcurso de un día lleno de acontecimientos. Ninguna oveja o agricultores resultaron heridos en esta filmación, pero dos pares de pantalones estaban sucios y algunos líquenes fue lamentablemente asesinados. : Director: Guy Van Gruening & Tom Randall Video Producer: Guy Van Gruening & Tom Randall Atletas: Tom Randall, Pete Whittaker Deportes: Escalada Escalada rompiendo un récord: el de la nariz, parte 1 | No esperes nada normal con Tom Randall, Ep. 

Power Struggle 8 Bouldering Comp

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/01/power-struggle-8-bouldering-comp.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uXvQvnRlcEendofvid

The Power Struggle was back this year for its 8th annual showdown. Over 100 competitors came out to try and claim top spots in this year's competition. The proceeds from this event went to benefit Paradox Sports (paradoxsports.org). The comp generated $1,500 for Paradox Sports! Intro Power Struggle 8 logo artwork by Matt Roscetti.

For more details about the Power Struggle check out:http://www.thespraydown.com/2014/01/p...

Two Towers in Two Hours

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2014/01/two-towers-in-two-hours.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN28TBrolZgendofvid

Excerpt from 'The Asgard Project'. Here we see climbers Leo Houlding and Carlos Suarez on an adrenaline fuelled training trip for Baffin Island. Enjoy all the thrills and spills as Leo and Carlos attempt to climb two separate 300m towers in just two hours. Don't forget your chalk bags and belay devices guys...(!) Full film athttp://www.posingproductions.com/prod...

Trail Running - Ryan Sandes habla de motivación

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2013/08/trail-running-ryan-sandes-habla-de.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj0RUx7X_84endofvid

For more coverage visit http://redbull.com.au/focus
All Episodes: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
At age 31, Ryan Sandes is seemingly at the peak of his powers, but his 2013 season came to a halt when he experienced his first race withdrawal. This FOCUS episode questions his MOTIVATION to rediscover his form.

Stay tuned every Monday & Friday!

Festival de boulder de Conceição do Mato Dentro 2013

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2013/08/festival-de-boulder-de-conceicao-do.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgG8rHvXDFIendofvid

Festival de boulder de Conceição do Mato Dentro 2013

Wild Country Boulder Pads 2013 - Big Air y Touchdown

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2013/06/wild-country-boulder-pads-2013-big-air.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9RpOIk0mX4endofvid

Standout new colours and a sharp new design make Wild Country's latest crashpads a force to
be reckoned with in 2013.
As ever though, the beauty of these pads is not simply skin deep and the secret of their success is the
twin layers of foam, specifically chosen and blended to support and protect on the toughest of landings.
Combining a softer open cell base layer with a thinner closed cell upper in two complementary thicknesses
gives these units a tough top to break a fall while underneath the load is spread wider.
Fully featured, with metal buckles, simple, effective and removable shoulder straps and with new rounded
corners reduce wear the Touchdown and Big Air are complementary yet distinct. Offering a choice
of partners for those big trips or simply a quick bouldering fix at your local crag they're stylishly finished
in a choice of four solid colours and our big, bold logo print.
These pads look the part and most importantly feel the part and are the perfect choice when
you're facing a big fall...
See more here: http://www.wildcountry.co.uk/products...


The North Face Big City Mountaineers Climb Mt Whitney

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-north-face-big-city-mountaineers.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pm4-4EKurgendofvid

Follow our Outdoor Exploration Ambassadors Cedar Wright and Lucho Rivera to the Summit of Mount Whitney, the highest peak in California, as they help the readers of Backpacker Magazine to raise money for Big City Mountaineers. Big City Mountaineers is a wonderful program that gives under resourced teens from urban areas the opportunity participate in a wilderness expedition. Many of the teens who are lucky enough to participate in a B.C.M. program have their lives transformed by the experience, much the way Cedar and Lucho had their lives put in a more positive direction by climbing.


Schulte climbing Elephunk (8B) and The Realist (8B/B+), France

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2013/06/schulte-climbing-elephunk-8b-and.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS2EumBf-Dgendofvid

Black Diamond athlete Chris Schulte spent another season climbing in France's Fontainbleau, one of the world's most historical and iconic bouldering areas. Here is the report and video Schulte put together that showcases two amazing problems, Elephunk (8B) and The Realist (8B/B+), both of which he did on the same afternoon.
Despite the vast history of climbing in the forest, the development of new lines and areas continues at a never ending pace. It's not at all unusual to read about someone you've never heard of opening a new area or circuit of thirty or more problems not fifteen minutes walk from the car. With the size of the forest, it's no surprise that a great number of problems go uncleaned, unclimbed, unnoticed, or forgotten. As such, the story of Fontainebleau carries on in the same vein it has, unexhausted, for over one hundred years.
As with any area, problems come into vogue now and again, and are resurrected from obscurity with the passage of time. On a prior trip, longtime local developer, photographer, and luminary Stephan Denys showed me a beautiful, forgotten project in the woods behind a now famous "new-school" Font classic, Elephunk. Perpetually wet and slithering up from an evergreen pit, the undone line was buried by dusty memory until Nalle Hukkataival cleaned it up during a cold spell the following season, and was rewarded with the first ascent, naming it The Realist. It is a beautiful line: a curving prow with pinches and pockets on the left and perfect slopers on the right. For my tastes, one of the best. Beautiful compression climbing, just the right height, and a technical topout. Grade completely irrelevant. Some say this, some say that. Go see if you must know, or if you can't say no.
A morning came well below freezing where I suddenly turned around from my eyes-closed drive to the Project for the trip, suddenly heeding the call of something different. It's easy to put all eggs in one basket for a trip until they're cracking against each other. This morning I set the basket with one huge egg aside and just went climbing. I'd come close to Elephunk before, the trouble being the odd finger lock in a seam that is always dripping water. With temps at -5 degrees Celsius, I figured I might check it out. Too frozen to drip! After an hour, it was done, and I crashed through the thicket to the pit, where I found the Realist grey and dry like I'd never seen! A couple hours of truly enjoyable work saw me on top, grunting at the last move. It'd been a bit since I'd done two projects in a day, and the morning was just getting on into lunch.
I feel like we learn things in climbing in layers. Over ten years ago, I figured out how to try Hard. A few years later, I realized, no, THIS is how you try hard. And so on. The lessons I've been learning in layers lately are all about letting go. Again and again these little bits are revealed to me in my life while climbing, and this winter/spring season in Font and Switzerland I still look back on with more than a little wonder, even confusion. It's a tiny mystery to me how giving up, how not trying anymore makes things happen. Sure, it makes sense if you just toss it off like an overheard catch phrase or salty mantra. Maybe in a few more months, or years, the actual mechanics will reveal themselves, and it'll be one more tiny thing to dork out over while bouldering alone in the woods


MacLeod. The first ascent of Fight The Feeling (8c+/9a)

[postlink] https://escaladatv.blogspot.com/2013/06/dave-macleod-making-first-ascent-of.html?m=0[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yogKYGFUOAendofvid

From bold trad to sketchy rime to hard sport, Black Diamond athlete Dave MacLeod has something of an obsession with first ascents in his native Scotland—a land not known for its ideal climbing weather. A little sleet and rain, however, has done little to dampen Dave's passion for scouring the island for new climbs. His latest FA, Fight The Feeling, is an interesting tale of an FA legacy being carried on from one generation of climbers to the next.
This video is part of our Climbing 2013 digital catalog. Through photos, videos and narrated slideshows, the Climbing 2013 digital catalog highlights first ascents and first free ascents from recent years, as well as the crucial pieces of Black Diamond gear that helped make them a reality. In addition, the digital catalog showcases historical images from past first ascents—chosen by our athletes—that have fueled their own personal FA pursuits. To view the Climbing 2013 digital catalog, click here: catalog.blackdiamondequipment.com/


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